Commit 0fd6a8a7 authored by Amit Kapila's avatar Amit Kapila

Test passing expanded-value representations to workers.

Currently, we don't have an explicit test to pass expanded-value
representations to workers, so we don't know whether it works on all kind
of platforms.  We suspect that the current code won't work on
alignment-sensitive hardware.  This commit will test that aspect and can
lead to failure on some of the buildfarm machines which we will fix in the
later commit.

Author: Tom Lane and Amit Kapila
parent e3a25ab9
......@@ -1088,7 +1088,34 @@ ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
(0 rows)
-- test interation between subquery and partial_paths
-- test passing expanded-value representations to workers
CREATE FUNCTION make_some_array(int,int) returns int[] as
$$declare x int[];
x[1] := $1;
x[2] := $2;
return x;
end$$ language plpgsql parallel safe;
CREATE TABLE fooarr(f1 text, f2 int[], f3 text);
INSERT INTO fooarr VALUES('1', ARRAY[1,2], 'one');
PREPARE pstmt(text, int[]) AS SELECT * FROM fooarr WHERE f1 = $1 AND f2 = $2;
EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) EXECUTE pstmt('1', make_some_array(1,2));
Workers Planned: 3
-> Parallel Seq Scan on fooarr
Filter: ((f1 = '1'::text) AND (f2 = '{1,2}'::integer[]))
(4 rows)
EXECUTE pstmt('1', make_some_array(1,2));
f1 | f2 | f3
1 | {1,2} | one
(1 row)
-- test interaction between subquery and partial_paths
SET LOCAL min_parallel_table_scan_size TO 0;
CREATE VIEW tenk1_vw_sec WITH (security_barrier) AS SELECT * FROM tenk1;
......@@ -410,7 +410,23 @@ ORDER BY 1;
SELECT * FROM information_schema.foreign_data_wrapper_options
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
-- test interation between subquery and partial_paths
-- test passing expanded-value representations to workers
CREATE FUNCTION make_some_array(int,int) returns int[] as
$$declare x int[];
x[1] := $1;
x[2] := $2;
return x;
end$$ language plpgsql parallel safe;
CREATE TABLE fooarr(f1 text, f2 int[], f3 text);
INSERT INTO fooarr VALUES('1', ARRAY[1,2], 'one');
PREPARE pstmt(text, int[]) AS SELECT * FROM fooarr WHERE f1 = $1 AND f2 = $2;
EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) EXECUTE pstmt('1', make_some_array(1,2));
EXECUTE pstmt('1', make_some_array(1,2));
-- test interaction between subquery and partial_paths
SET LOCAL min_parallel_table_scan_size TO 0;
CREATE VIEW tenk1_vw_sec WITH (security_barrier) AS SELECT * FROM tenk1;
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