Commit 0c5e541a authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

move plpgsql to src/pl for Jan.

parent 9b73210f
Test suite for PL/pgSQL
A building with a modern TP cabel installation where any
of the wall connectors can be used to plug in phones,
ethernet interfaces or local office hubs. The backside
of the wall connectors is wired to one of several patch-
fields in the building.
In the patchfields, there are hubs and all the slots
representing the wall connectors. In addition there are
slots that can represent a phone line from the central
phone system.
Triggers ensure consistency of the patching information.
Functions are used to build up powerful views that let
you look behind the wall when looking at a patchfield
or into a room.
-- PL/pgSQL language declaration
-- $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/plpgsql/test/Attic/mklang.sql,v 1.1 1998/08/22 12:38:36 momjian Exp $
create function plpgsql_call_handler() returns opaque
as '/usr/local/pgsql/lib/'
language 'C';
create trusted procedural language 'plpgsql'
handler plpgsql_call_handler
lancompiler 'PL/pgSQL';
export DB
FRONTEND="psql -n -e -q"
echo "*** destroy old $DB database ***"
destroydb $DB
echo "*** create new $DB database ***"
createdb $DB
echo "*** install PL/pgSQL ***"
$FRONTEND -f mklang.sql -d $DB >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "*** create tables ***"
$FRONTEND -f tables.sql -d $DB >output/tables.out 2>&1
if cmp -s output/tables.out expected/tables.out ; then
echo "OK"
echo "FAILED"
echo "*** create triggers ***"
$FRONTEND -f triggers.sql -d $DB >output/triggers.out 2>&1
if cmp -s output/triggers.out expected/triggers.out ; then
echo "OK"
echo "FAILED"
echo "*** create views and support functions ***"
$FRONTEND -f views.sql -d $DB >output/views.out 2>&1
if cmp -s output/views.out expected/views.out ; then
echo "OK"
echo "FAILED"
echo "*** running tests ***"
$FRONTEND -f test.sql -d $DB >output/test.out 2>&1
if cmp -s output/test.out expected/test.out ; then
echo "OK"
echo "FAILED"
-- ************************************************************
-- *
-- * Tables for the patchfield test of PL/pgSQL
-- *
-- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/plpgsql/test/Attic/tables.sql,v 1.1 1998/08/22 12:38:36 momjian Exp $
-- *
-- ************************************************************
create table Room (
roomno char(8),
comment text
create unique index Room_rno on Room using btree (roomno bpchar_ops);
create table WSlot (
slotname char(20),
roomno char(8),
slotlink char(20),
backlink char(20)
create unique index WSlot_name on WSlot using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create table PField (
name text,
comment text
create unique index PField_name on PField using btree (name text_ops);
create table PSlot (
slotname char(20),
pfname text,
slotlink char(20),
backlink char(20)
create unique index PSlot_name on PSlot using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create table PLine (
slotname char(20),
phonenumber char(20),
comment text,
backlink char(20)
create unique index PLine_name on PLine using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create table Hub (
name char(14),
comment text,
nslots integer
create unique index Hub_name on Hub using btree (name bpchar_ops);
create table HSlot (
slotname char(20),
hubname char(14),
slotno integer,
slotlink char(20)
create unique index HSlot_name on HSlot using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create index HSlot_hubname on HSlot using btree (hubname bpchar_ops);
create table System (
name text,
comment text
create unique index System_name on System using btree (name text_ops);
create table IFace (
slotname char(20),
sysname text,
ifname text,
slotlink char(20)
create unique index IFace_name on IFace using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
create table PHone (
slotname char(20),
comment text,
slotlink char(20)
create unique index PHone_name on PHone using btree (slotname bpchar_ops);
-- First we build the house - so we create the rooms
insert into Room values ('001', 'Entrance');
insert into Room values ('002', 'Office');
insert into Room values ('003', 'Office');
insert into Room values ('004', 'Technical');
insert into Room values ('101', 'Office');
insert into Room values ('102', 'Conference');
insert into Room values ('103', 'Restroom');
insert into Room values ('104', 'Technical');
insert into Room values ('105', 'Office');
insert into Room values ('106', 'Office');
-- Second we install the wall connectors
insert into WSlot values ('WS.001.1a', '001', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.001.1b', '001', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.001.2a', '001', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.001.2b', '001', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.001.3a', '001', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.001.3b', '001', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.002.1a', '002', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.002.1b', '002', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.002.2a', '002', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.002.2b', '002', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.002.3a', '002', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.002.3b', '002', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.003.1a', '003', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.003.1b', '003', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.003.2a', '003', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.003.2b', '003', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.003.3a', '003', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.003.3b', '003', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.101.1a', '101', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.101.1b', '101', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.101.2a', '101', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.101.2b', '101', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.101.3a', '101', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.101.3b', '101', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.102.1a', '102', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.102.1b', '102', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.102.2a', '102', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.102.2b', '102', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.102.3a', '102', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.102.3b', '102', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.105.1a', '105', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.105.1b', '105', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.105.2a', '105', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.105.2b', '105', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.105.3a', '105', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.105.3b', '105', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.106.1a', '106', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.106.1b', '106', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.106.2a', '106', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.106.2b', '106', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.106.3a', '106', '', '');
insert into WSlot values ('WS.106.3b', '106', '', '');
-- Now create the patch fields and their slots
insert into PField values ('PF0_1', 'Wallslots basement');
-- The cables for these will be made later, so they are unconnected for now
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.a1', 'PF0_1', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.a2', 'PF0_1', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.a3', 'PF0_1', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.a4', 'PF0_1', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.a5', 'PF0_1', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.a6', 'PF0_1', '', '');
-- These are already wired to the wall connectors
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.b1', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.002.1a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.b2', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.002.1b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.b3', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.002.2a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.b4', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.002.2b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.b5', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.002.3a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.b6', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.002.3b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.c1', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.003.1a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.c2', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.003.1b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.c3', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.003.2a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.c4', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.003.2b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.c5', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.003.3a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.c6', 'PF0_1', '', 'WS.003.3b');
-- This patchfield will be renamed later into PF0_2 - so its
-- slots references in pfname should follow
insert into PField values ('PF0_X', 'Phonelines basement');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.ta1', 'PF0_X', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.ta2', 'PF0_X', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.ta3', 'PF0_X', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.ta4', 'PF0_X', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.ta5', 'PF0_X', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.ta6', 'PF0_X', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.tb1', 'PF0_X', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.tb2', 'PF0_X', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.tb3', 'PF0_X', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.tb4', 'PF0_X', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.tb5', 'PF0_X', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.base.tb6', 'PF0_X', '', '');
insert into PField values ('PF1_1', 'Wallslots 1st floor');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.a1', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.101.1a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.a2', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.101.1b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.a3', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.101.2a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.a4', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.101.2b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.a5', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.101.3a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.a6', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.101.3b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.b1', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.102.1a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.b2', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.102.1b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.b3', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.102.2a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.b4', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.102.2b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.b5', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.102.3a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.b6', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.102.3b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.c1', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.105.1a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.c2', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.105.1b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.c3', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.105.2a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.c4', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.105.2b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.c5', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.105.3a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.c6', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.105.3b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.d1', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.106.1a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.d2', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.106.1b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.d3', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.106.2a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.d4', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.106.2b');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.d5', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.106.3a');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.d6', 'PF1_1', '', 'WS.106.3b');
-- Now we wire the wall connectors 1a-2a in room 001 to the
-- patchfield. In the second update we make an error, and
-- correct it after
update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.001.1a' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1';
update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.001.1b' where slotname = 'PS.base.a3';
select * from WSlot where roomno = '001' order by slotname;
select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;
update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.001.2a' where slotname = 'PS.base.a3';
select * from WSlot where roomno = '001' order by slotname;
select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;
update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.001.1b' where slotname = 'PS.base.a2';
select * from WSlot where roomno = '001' order by slotname;
select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;
-- Same procedure for 2b-3b but this time updating the WSlot instead
-- of the PSlot. Due to the triggers the result is the same:
-- WSlot and corresponding PSlot point to each other.
update WSlot set backlink = 'PS.base.a4' where slotname = 'WS.001.2b';
update WSlot set backlink = 'PS.base.a6' where slotname = 'WS.001.3a';
select * from WSlot where roomno = '001' order by slotname;
select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;
update WSlot set backlink = 'PS.base.a6' where slotname = 'WS.001.3b';
select * from WSlot where roomno = '001' order by slotname;
select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;
update WSlot set backlink = 'PS.base.a5' where slotname = 'WS.001.3a';
select * from WSlot where roomno = '001' order by slotname;
select * from PSlot where slotname ~ 'PS.base.a' order by slotname;
insert into PField values ('PF1_2', 'Phonelines 1st floor');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta1', 'PF1_2', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta2', 'PF1_2', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta3', 'PF1_2', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta4', 'PF1_2', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta5', 'PF1_2', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.ta6', 'PF1_2', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb1', 'PF1_2', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb2', 'PF1_2', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb3', 'PF1_2', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb4', 'PF1_2', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb5', 'PF1_2', '', '');
insert into PSlot values ('PS.1st.tb6', 'PF1_2', '', '');
-- Fix the wrong name for patchfield PF0_2
update PField set name = 'PF0_2' where name = 'PF0_X';
select * from PSlot order by slotname;
select * from WSlot order by slotname;
-- Install the central phone system and create the phone numbers.
-- They are weired on insert to the patchfields. Again the
-- triggers automatically tell the PSlots to update their
-- backlink field.
insert into PLine values ('PL.001', '-0', 'Central call', 'PS.base.ta1');
insert into PLine values ('PL.002', '-101', '', 'PS.base.ta2');
insert into PLine values ('PL.003', '-102', '', 'PS.base.ta3');
insert into PLine values ('PL.004', '-103', '', 'PS.base.ta5');
insert into PLine values ('PL.005', '-104', '', 'PS.base.ta6');
insert into PLine values ('PL.006', '-106', '', 'PS.base.tb2');
insert into PLine values ('PL.007', '-108', '', 'PS.base.tb3');
insert into PLine values ('PL.008', '-109', '', 'PS.base.tb4');
insert into PLine values ('PL.009', '-121', '', 'PS.base.tb5');
insert into PLine values ('PL.010', '-122', '', 'PS.base.tb6');
insert into PLine values ('PL.015', '-134', '', 'PS.1st.ta1');
insert into PLine values ('PL.016', '-137', '', 'PS.1st.ta3');
insert into PLine values ('PL.017', '-139', '', 'PS.1st.ta4');
insert into PLine values ('PL.018', '-362', '', 'PS.1st.tb1');
insert into PLine values ('PL.019', '-363', '', 'PS.1st.tb2');
insert into PLine values ('PL.020', '-364', '', 'PS.1st.tb3');
insert into PLine values ('PL.021', '-365', '', 'PS.1st.tb5');
insert into PLine values ('PL.022', '-367', '', 'PS.1st.tb6');
insert into PLine values ('PL.028', '-501', 'Fax entrance', 'PS.base.ta2');
insert into PLine values ('PL.029', '-502', 'Fax 1st floor', 'PS.1st.ta1');
-- Buy some phones, plug them into the wall and patch the
-- phone lines to the corresponding patchfield slots.
insert into PHone values ('PH.hc001', 'Hicom standard', 'WS.001.1a');
update PSlot set slotlink = 'PS.base.ta1' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1';
insert into PHone values ('PH.hc002', 'Hicom standard', 'WS.002.1a');
update PSlot set slotlink = 'PS.base.ta5' where slotname = 'PS.base.b1';
insert into PHone values ('PH.hc003', 'Hicom standard', 'WS.002.2a');
update PSlot set slotlink = 'PS.base.tb2' where slotname = 'PS.base.b3';
insert into PHone values ('PH.fax001', 'Canon fax', 'WS.001.2a');
update PSlot set slotlink = 'PS.base.ta2' where slotname = 'PS.base.a3';
-- Install a hub at one of the patchfields, plug a computers
-- ethernet interface into the wall and patch it to the hub.
insert into Hub values ('base.hub1', 'Patchfield PF0_1 hub', 16);
insert into System values ('orion', 'PC');
insert into IFace values ('IF', 'orion', 'eth0', 'WS.002.1b');
update PSlot set slotlink = 'HS.base.hub1.1' where slotname = 'PS.base.b2';
-- Now we take a look at the patchfield
select * from PField_v1 where pfname = 'PF0_1' order by slotname;
select * from PField_v1 where pfname = 'PF0_2' order by slotname;
-- Finally we want errors
insert into PField values ('PF1_1', 'should fail due to unique index');
update PSlot set backlink = 'WS.not.there' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1';
update PSlot set backlink = 'XX.illegal' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1';
update PSlot set slotlink = 'PS.not.there' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1';
update PSlot set slotlink = 'XX.illegal' where slotname = 'PS.base.a1';
insert into HSlot values ('HS', 'base.hub1', 1, '');
insert into HSlot values ('HS', 'base.hub1', 20, '');
delete from HSlot;
insert into IFace values ('IF', 'notthere', 'eth0', '');
insert into IFace values ('IF', 'orion', 'ethernet_interface_name_too_long', '');
-- ************************************************************
-- *
-- * Trigger procedures and functions for the patchfield
-- * test of PL/pgSQL
-- *
-- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/plpgsql/test/Attic/triggers.sql,v 1.1 1998/08/22 12:38:37 momjian Exp $
-- *
-- ************************************************************
-- ************************************************************
-- * AFTER UPDATE on Room
-- * - If room no changes let wall slots follow
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_room_au() returns opaque as '
if new.roomno != old.roomno then
update WSlot set roomno = new.roomno where roomno = old.roomno;
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_room_au after update
on Room for each row execute procedure tg_room_au();
-- ************************************************************
-- * AFTER DELETE on Room
-- * - delete wall slots in this room
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_room_ad() returns opaque as '
delete from WSlot where roomno = old.roomno;
return old;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_room_ad after delete
on Room for each row execute procedure tg_room_ad();
-- ************************************************************
-- * - Check that room exists
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_wslot_biu() returns opaque as '
if count(*) = 0 from Room where roomno = new.roomno then
raise exception ''Room % does not exist'', new.roomno;
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_wslot_biu before insert or update
on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_wslot_biu();
-- ************************************************************
-- * AFTER UPDATE on PField
-- * - Let PSlots of this field follow
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_pfield_au() returns opaque as '
if != then
update PSlot set pfname = where pfname =;
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_pfield_au after update
on PField for each row execute procedure tg_pfield_au();
-- ************************************************************
-- * AFTER DELETE on PField
-- * - Remove all slots of this patchfield
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_pfield_ad() returns opaque as '
delete from PSlot where pfname =;
return old;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_pfield_ad after delete
on PField for each row execute procedure tg_pfield_ad();
-- ************************************************************
-- * - Ensure that our patchfield does exist
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_pslot_biu() returns opaque as '
pfrec record;
rename new to ps;
select into pfrec * from PField where name = ps.pfname;
if not found then
raise exception ''Patchfield "%" does not exist'', ps.pfname;
end if;
return ps;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_pslot_biu before insert or update
on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_pslot_biu();
-- ************************************************************
-- * AFTER UPDATE on System
-- * - If system name changes let interfaces follow
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_system_au() returns opaque as '
if != then
update IFace set sysname = where sysname =;
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_system_au after update
on System for each row execute procedure tg_system_au();
-- ************************************************************
-- * - set the slotname to IF.sysname.ifname
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_iface_biu() returns opaque as '
sname text;
sysrec record;
select into sysrec * from system where name = new.sysname;
if not found then
raise exception ''system "%" does not exist'', new.sysname;
end if;
sname := ''IF.'' || new.sysname;
sname := sname || ''.'';
sname := sname || new.ifname;
if length(sname) > 20 then
raise exception ''IFace slotname "%" too long (20 char max)'', sname;
end if;
new.slotname := sname;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_iface_biu before insert or update
on IFace for each row execute procedure tg_iface_biu();
-- ************************************************************
-- * - insert/delete/rename slots as required
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_hub_a() returns opaque as '
hname text;
dummy integer;
if tg_op = ''INSERT'' then
dummy := tg_hub_adjustslots(, 0, new.nslots);
return new;
end if;
if tg_op = ''UPDATE'' then
if != then
update HSlot set hubname = where hubname =;
end if;
dummy := tg_hub_adjustslots(, old.nslots, new.nslots);
return new;
end if;
if tg_op = ''DELETE'' then
dummy := tg_hub_adjustslots(, old.nslots, 0);
return old;
end if;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_hub_a after insert or update or delete
on Hub for each row execute procedure tg_hub_a();
-- ************************************************************
-- * Support function to add/remove slots of Hub
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_hub_adjustslots(bpchar, integer, integer)
returns integer as '
hname alias for $1;
oldnslots alias for $2;
newnslots alias for $3;
if newnslots = oldnslots then
return 0;
end if;
if newnslots < oldnslots then
delete from HSlot where hubname = hname and slotno > newnslots;
return 0;
end if;
for i in oldnslots + 1 .. newnslots loop
insert into HSlot (slotname, hubname, slotno, slotlink)
values (''HS.dummy'', hname, i, '''');
end loop;
return 0;
' language 'plpgsql';
-- ************************************************************
-- * - prevent from manual manipulation
-- * - set the slotname to HS.hubname.slotno
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_hslot_biu() returns opaque as '
sname text;
xname HSlot.slotname%TYPE;
hubrec record;
select into hubrec * from Hub where name = new.hubname;
if not found then
raise exception ''no manual manipulation of HSlot'';
end if;
if new.slotno < 1 or new.slotno > hubrec.nslots then
raise exception ''no manual manipulation of HSlot'';
end if;
if tg_op = ''UPDATE'' then
if new.hubname != old.hubname then
if count(*) > 0 from Hub where name = old.hubname then
raise exception ''no manual manipulation of HSlot'';
end if;
end if;
end if;
sname := ''HS.'' || trim(new.hubname);
sname := sname || ''.'';
sname := sname || new.slotno::text;
if length(sname) > 20 then
raise exception ''HSlot slotname "%" too long (20 char max)'', sname;
end if;
new.slotname := sname;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_hslot_biu before insert or update
on HSlot for each row execute procedure tg_hslot_biu();
-- ************************************************************
-- * - prevent from manual manipulation
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_hslot_bd() returns opaque as '
hubrec record;
select into hubrec * from Hub where name = old.hubname;
if not found then
return old;
end if;
if old.slotno > hubrec.nslots then
return old;
end if;
raise exception ''no manual manipulation of HSlot'';
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_hslot_bd before delete
on HSlot for each row execute procedure tg_hslot_bd();
-- ************************************************************
-- * BEFORE INSERT on all slots
-- * - Check name prefix
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_chkslotname() returns opaque as '
if substr(new.slotname, 1, 2) != tg_argv[0] then
raise exception ''slotname must begin with %'', tg_argv[0];
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_chkslotname before insert
on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotname('PS');
create trigger tg_chkslotname before insert
on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotname('WS');
create trigger tg_chkslotname before insert
on PLine for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotname('PL');
create trigger tg_chkslotname before insert
on IFace for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotname('IF');
create trigger tg_chkslotname before insert
on PHone for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotname('PH');
-- ************************************************************
-- * BEFORE INSERT or UPDATE on all slots with slotlink
-- * - Set slotlink to empty string if NULL value given
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_chkslotlink() returns opaque as '
if new.slotlink isnull then
new.slotlink := '''';
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_chkslotlink before insert or update
on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotlink();
create trigger tg_chkslotlink before insert or update
on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotlink();
create trigger tg_chkslotlink before insert or update
on IFace for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotlink();
create trigger tg_chkslotlink before insert or update
on HSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotlink();
create trigger tg_chkslotlink before insert or update
on PHone for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotlink();
-- ************************************************************
-- * BEFORE INSERT or UPDATE on all slots with backlink
-- * - Set backlink to empty string if NULL value given
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_chkbacklink() returns opaque as '
if new.backlink isnull then
new.backlink := '''';
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_chkbacklink before insert or update
on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkbacklink();
create trigger tg_chkbacklink before insert or update
on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkbacklink();
create trigger tg_chkbacklink before insert or update
on PLine for each row execute procedure tg_chkbacklink();
-- ************************************************************
-- * - do delete/insert instead of update if name changes
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_pslot_bu() returns opaque as '
if new.slotname != old.slotname then
delete from PSlot where slotname = old.slotname;
insert into PSlot (
) values (
return null;
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_pslot_bu before update
on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_pslot_bu();
-- ************************************************************
-- * - do delete/insert instead of update if name changes
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_wslot_bu() returns opaque as '
if new.slotname != old.slotname then
delete from WSlot where slotname = old.slotname;
insert into WSlot (
) values (
return null;
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_wslot_bu before update
on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_Wslot_bu();
-- ************************************************************
-- * - do delete/insert instead of update if name changes
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_pline_bu() returns opaque as '
if new.slotname != old.slotname then
delete from PLine where slotname = old.slotname;
insert into PLine (
) values (
return null;
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_pline_bu before update
on PLine for each row execute procedure tg_pline_bu();
-- ************************************************************
-- * - do delete/insert instead of update if name changes
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_iface_bu() returns opaque as '
if new.slotname != old.slotname then
delete from IFace where slotname = old.slotname;
insert into IFace (
) values (
return null;
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_iface_bu before update
on IFace for each row execute procedure tg_iface_bu();
-- ************************************************************
-- * - do delete/insert instead of update if name changes
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_hslot_bu() returns opaque as '
if new.slotname != old.slotname or new.hubname != old.hubname then
delete from HSlot where slotname = old.slotname;
insert into HSlot (
) values (
return null;
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_hslot_bu before update
on HSlot for each row execute procedure tg_hslot_bu();
-- ************************************************************
-- * - do delete/insert instead of update if name changes
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_phone_bu() returns opaque as '
if new.slotname != old.slotname then
delete from PHone where slotname = old.slotname;
insert into PHone (
) values (
return null;
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_phone_bu before update
on PHone for each row execute procedure tg_phone_bu();
-- ************************************************************
-- * AFTER INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE on slot with backlink
-- * - Ensure that the opponent correctly points back to us
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_backlink_a() returns opaque as '
dummy integer;
if tg_op = ''INSERT'' then
if new.backlink != '''' then
dummy := tg_backlink_set(new.backlink, new.slotname);
end if;
return new;
end if;
if tg_op = ''UPDATE'' then
if new.backlink != old.backlink then
if old.backlink != '''' then
dummy := tg_backlink_unset(old.backlink, old.slotname);
end if;
if new.backlink != '''' then
dummy := tg_backlink_set(new.backlink, new.slotname);
end if;
if new.slotname != old.slotname and new.backlink != '''' then
dummy := tg_slotlink_set(new.backlink, new.slotname);
end if;
end if;
return new;
end if;
if tg_op = ''DELETE'' then
if old.backlink != '''' then
dummy := tg_backlink_unset(old.backlink, old.slotname);
end if;
return old;
end if;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_backlink_a after insert or update or delete
on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_backlink_a('PS');
create trigger tg_backlink_a after insert or update or delete
on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_backlink_a('WS');
create trigger tg_backlink_a after insert or update or delete
on PLine for each row execute procedure tg_backlink_a('PL');
-- ************************************************************
-- * Support function to set the opponents backlink field
-- * if it does not already point to the requested slot
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_backlink_set(bpchar, bpchar)
returns integer as '
myname alias for $1;
blname alias for $2;
mytype char(2);
link char(4);
rec record;
mytype := substr(myname, 1, 2);
link := mytype || substr(blname, 1, 2);
if link = ''PLPL'' then
raise exception
''backlink between two phone lines does not make sense'';
end if;
if link in (''PLWS'', ''WSPL'') then
raise exception
''direct link of phone line to wall slot not permitted'';
end if;
if mytype = ''PS'' then
select into rec * from PSlot where slotname = myname;
if not found then
raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
end if;
if rec.backlink != blname then
update PSlot set backlink = blname where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if mytype = ''WS'' then
select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = myname;
if not found then
raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
end if;
if rec.backlink != blname then
update WSlot set backlink = blname where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if mytype = ''PL'' then
select into rec * from PLine where slotname = myname;
if not found then
raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
end if;
if rec.backlink != blname then
update PLine set backlink = blname where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
raise exception ''illegal backlink beginning with %'', mytype;
' language 'plpgsql';
-- ************************************************************
-- * Support function to clear out the backlink field if
-- * it still points to specific slot
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_backlink_unset(bpchar, bpchar)
returns integer as '
myname alias for $1;
blname alias for $2;
mytype char(2);
rec record;
mytype := substr(myname, 1, 2);
if mytype = ''PS'' then
select into rec * from PSlot where slotname = myname;
if not found then
return 0;
end if;
if rec.backlink = blname then
update PSlot set backlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if mytype = ''WS'' then
select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = myname;
if not found then
return 0;
end if;
if rec.backlink = blname then
update WSlot set backlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if mytype = ''PL'' then
select into rec * from PLine where slotname = myname;
if not found then
return 0;
end if;
if rec.backlink = blname then
update PLine set backlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
' language 'plpgsql';
-- ************************************************************
-- * AFTER INSERT or UPDATE or DELETE on slot with slotlink
-- * - Ensure that the opponent correctly points back to us
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_slotlink_a() returns opaque as '
dummy integer;
if tg_op = ''INSERT'' then
if new.slotlink != '''' then
dummy := tg_slotlink_set(new.slotlink, new.slotname);
end if;
return new;
end if;
if tg_op = ''UPDATE'' then
if new.slotlink != old.slotlink then
if old.slotlink != '''' then
dummy := tg_slotlink_unset(old.slotlink, old.slotname);
end if;
if new.slotlink != '''' then
dummy := tg_slotlink_set(new.slotlink, new.slotname);
end if;
if new.slotname != old.slotname and new.slotlink != '''' then
dummy := tg_slotlink_set(new.slotlink, new.slotname);
end if;
end if;
return new;
end if;
if tg_op = ''DELETE'' then
if old.slotlink != '''' then
dummy := tg_slotlink_unset(old.slotlink, old.slotname);
end if;
return old;
end if;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_slotlink_a after insert or update or delete
on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_slotlink_a('PS');
create trigger tg_slotlink_a after insert or update or delete
on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_slotlink_a('WS');
create trigger tg_slotlink_a after insert or update or delete
on IFace for each row execute procedure tg_slotlink_a('IF');
create trigger tg_slotlink_a after insert or update or delete
on HSlot for each row execute procedure tg_slotlink_a('HS');
create trigger tg_slotlink_a after insert or update or delete
on PHone for each row execute procedure tg_slotlink_a('PH');
-- ************************************************************
-- * Support function to set the opponents slotlink field
-- * if it does not already point to the requested slot
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_slotlink_set(bpchar, bpchar)
returns integer as '
myname alias for $1;
blname alias for $2;
mytype char(2);
link char(4);
rec record;
mytype := substr(myname, 1, 2);
link := mytype || substr(blname, 1, 2);
if link = ''PHPH'' then
raise exception
''slotlink between two phones does not make sense'';
end if;
if link in (''PHHS'', ''HSPH'') then
raise exception
''link of phone to hub does not make sense'';
end if;
if link in (''PHIF'', ''IFPH'') then
raise exception
''link of phone to hub does not make sense'';
end if;
if link in (''PSWS'', ''WSPS'') then
raise exception
''slotlink from patchslot to wallslot not permitted'';
end if;
if mytype = ''PS'' then
select into rec * from PSlot where slotname = myname;
if not found then
raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
end if;
if rec.slotlink != blname then
update PSlot set slotlink = blname where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if mytype = ''WS'' then
select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = myname;
if not found then
raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
end if;
if rec.slotlink != blname then
update WSlot set slotlink = blname where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if mytype = ''IF'' then
select into rec * from IFace where slotname = myname;
if not found then
raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
end if;
if rec.slotlink != blname then
update IFace set slotlink = blname where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if mytype = ''HS'' then
select into rec * from HSlot where slotname = myname;
if not found then
raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
end if;
if rec.slotlink != blname then
update HSlot set slotlink = blname where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if mytype = ''PH'' then
select into rec * from PHone where slotname = myname;
if not found then
raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
end if;
if rec.slotlink != blname then
update PHone set slotlink = blname where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
raise exception ''illegal slotlink beginning with %'', mytype;
' language 'plpgsql';
-- ************************************************************
-- * Support function to clear out the slotlink field if
-- * it still points to specific slot
-- ************************************************************
create function tg_slotlink_unset(bpchar, bpchar)
returns integer as '
myname alias for $1;
blname alias for $2;
mytype char(2);
rec record;
mytype := substr(myname, 1, 2);
if mytype = ''PS'' then
select into rec * from PSlot where slotname = myname;
if not found then
return 0;
end if;
if rec.slotlink = blname then
update PSlot set slotlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if mytype = ''WS'' then
select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = myname;
if not found then
return 0;
end if;
if rec.slotlink = blname then
update WSlot set slotlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if mytype = ''IF'' then
select into rec * from IFace where slotname = myname;
if not found then
return 0;
end if;
if rec.slotlink = blname then
update IFace set slotlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if mytype = ''HS'' then
select into rec * from HSlot where slotname = myname;
if not found then
return 0;
end if;
if rec.slotlink = blname then
update HSlot set slotlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
if mytype = ''PH'' then
select into rec * from PHone where slotname = myname;
if not found then
return 0;
end if;
if rec.slotlink = blname then
update PHone set slotlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
end if;
return 0;
end if;
' language 'plpgsql';
-- ************************************************************
-- * Describe the backside of a patchfield slot
-- ************************************************************
create function pslot_backlink_view(bpchar)
returns text as '
rec record;
bltype char(2);
retval text;
select into rec * from PSlot where slotname = $1;
if not found then
return '''';
end if;
if rec.backlink = '''' then
return ''-'';
end if;
bltype := substr(rec.backlink, 1, 2);
if bltype = ''PL'' then
rec record;
select into rec * from PLine where slotname = outer.rec.backlink;
retval := ''Phone line '' || trim(rec.phonenumber);
if rec.comment != '''' then
retval := retval || '' ('';
retval := retval || rec.comment;
retval := retval || '')'';
end if;
return retval;
end if;
if bltype = ''WS'' then
select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = rec.backlink;
retval := trim(rec.slotname) || '' in room '';
retval := retval || trim(rec.roomno);
retval := retval || '' -> '';
return retval || wslot_slotlink_view(rec.slotname);
end if;
return rec.backlink;
' language 'plpgsql';
-- ************************************************************
-- * Describe the front of a patchfield slot
-- ************************************************************
create function pslot_slotlink_view(bpchar)
returns text as '
psrec record;
sltype char(2);
retval text;
select into psrec * from PSlot where slotname = $1;
if not found then
return '''';
end if;
if psrec.slotlink = '''' then
return ''-'';
end if;
sltype := substr(psrec.slotlink, 1, 2);
if sltype = ''PS'' then
retval := trim(psrec.slotlink) || '' -> '';
return retval || pslot_backlink_view(psrec.slotlink);
end if;
if sltype = ''HS'' then
retval := comment from Hub H, HSlot HS
where HS.slotname = psrec.slotlink
and = HS.hubname;
retval := retval || '' slot '';
retval := retval || slotno::text from HSlot
where slotname = psrec.slotlink;
return retval;
end if;
return psrec.slotlink;
' language 'plpgsql';
-- ************************************************************
-- * Describe the front of a wall connector slot
-- ************************************************************
create function wslot_slotlink_view(bpchar)
returns text as '
rec record;
sltype char(2);
retval text;
select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = $1;
if not found then
return '''';
end if;
if rec.slotlink = '''' then
return ''-'';
end if;
sltype := substr(rec.slotlink, 1, 2);
if sltype = ''PH'' then
select into rec * from PHone where slotname = rec.slotlink;
retval := ''Phone '' || trim(rec.slotname);
if rec.comment != '''' then
retval := retval || '' ('';
retval := retval || rec.comment;
retval := retval || '')'';
end if;
return retval;
end if;
if sltype = ''IF'' then
syrow System%RowType;
ifrow IFace%ROWTYPE;
select into ifrow * from IFace where slotname = rec.slotlink;
select into syrow * from System where name = ifrow.sysname;
retval := || '' IF '';
retval := retval || ifrow.ifname;
if syrow.comment != '''' then
retval := retval || '' ('';
retval := retval || syrow.comment;
retval := retval || '')'';
end if;
return retval;
end if;
return rec.slotlink;
' language 'plpgsql';
-- ************************************************************
-- * View of a patchfield describing backside and patches
-- ************************************************************
create view Pfield_v1 as select PF.pfname, PF.slotname,
pslot_backlink_view(PF.slotname) as backside,
pslot_slotlink_view(PF.slotname) as patch
from PSlot PF;
File moved
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* procedural language
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/plpgsql/src/Attic/gram.y,v 1.1 1998/08/22 12:38:30 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/pl/plpgsql/src/gram.y,v 1.1 1998/08/24 19:14:47 momjian Exp $
* This software is copyrighted by Jan Wieck - Hamburg.
-- PL/pgSQL language declaration
-- $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/plpgsql/src/Attic/mklang.sql,v 1.1 1998/08/22 12:38:31 momjian Exp $
-- $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/pl/plpgsql/src/Attic/mklang.sql,v 1.1 1998/08/24 19:14:48 momjian Exp $
create function plpgsql_call_handler() returns opaque
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* procedural language
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/plpgsql/src/Attic/pl_comp.c,v 1.1 1998/08/22 12:38:32 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/pl/plpgsql/src/pl_comp.c,v 1.1 1998/08/24 19:14:48 momjian Exp $
* This software is copyrighted by Jan Wieck - Hamburg.
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* procedural language
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/plpgsql/src/Attic/pl_exec.c,v 1.1 1998/08/22 12:38:32 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/pl/plpgsql/src/pl_exec.c,v 1.1 1998/08/24 19:14:48 momjian Exp $
* This software is copyrighted by Jan Wieck - Hamburg.
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* procedural language
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/plpgsql/src/Attic/pl_funcs.c,v 1.1 1998/08/22 12:38:32 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/pl/plpgsql/src/pl_funcs.c,v 1.1 1998/08/24 19:14:48 momjian Exp $
* This software is copyrighted by Jan Wieck - Hamburg.
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* procedural language
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/plpgsql/src/Attic/pl_handler.c,v 1.1 1998/08/22 12:38:32 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/pl/plpgsql/src/pl_handler.c,v 1.1 1998/08/24 19:14:49 momjian Exp $
* This software is copyrighted by Jan Wieck - Hamburg.
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* procedural language
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/plpgsql/src/Attic/plpgsql.h,v 1.1 1998/08/22 12:38:33 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/pl/plpgsql/src/plpgsql.h,v 1.1 1998/08/24 19:14:49 momjian Exp $
* This software is copyrighted by Jan Wieck - Hamburg.
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* procedural language
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/plpgsql/src/Attic/scan.l,v 1.1 1998/08/22 12:38:33 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/pl/plpgsql/src/Attic/scan.l,v 1.1 1998/08/24 19:14:49 momjian Exp $
* This software is copyrighted by Jan Wieck - Hamburg.
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