Commit 02c0eb65 authored by Bryan Henderson's avatar Bryan Henderson

Properly structure ProcedureNameIndexScan so it doesn't generate

"may be used before being set" warnings.
parent bf140172
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/catalog/indexing.c,v 1.6 1996/11/13 20:47:57 scrappy Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/catalog/indexing.c,v 1.7 1996/11/26 02:45:05 bryanh Exp $
......@@ -352,6 +352,8 @@ ProcedureOidIndexScan(Relation heapRelation, Oid procId)
return tuple;
ProcedureNameIndexScan(Relation heapRelation,
char *procName,
......@@ -360,12 +362,20 @@ ProcedureNameIndexScan(Relation heapRelation,
Relation idesc;
ScanKeyData skey;
HeapTuple tuple;
HeapTuple tuple; /* tuple being tested */
HeapTuple return_tuple; /* The tuple pointer we eventually return */
IndexScanDesc sd;
RetrieveIndexResult indexRes;
Buffer buffer;
Form_pg_proc pgProcP;
bool bufferUsed = FALSE;
bool ScanComplete;
/* The index scan is complete, i.e. we've scanned everything there
is to scan.
bool FoundMatch;
/* In scanning pg_proc, we have found a row that meets our search
......@@ -382,13 +392,10 @@ ProcedureNameIndexScan(Relation heapRelation,
* by hand, so that we can check that the other keys match. when
* multi-key indices are added, they will be used here.
do {
tuple = (HeapTuple)NULL;
if (bufferUsed) {
bufferUsed = FALSE;
tuple = (HeapTuple) NULL; /* initial value */
ScanComplete = false; /* Scan hasn't begun yet */
FoundMatch = false; /* No match yet; haven't even looked. */
while (!FoundMatch && !ScanComplete) {
indexRes = index_getnext(sd, ForwardScanDirection);
if (indexRes) {
ItemPointer iptr;
......@@ -397,26 +404,34 @@ ProcedureNameIndexScan(Relation heapRelation,
tuple = heap_fetch(heapRelation, NowTimeQual, iptr, &buffer);
if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) {
/* Here's a row for a procedure that has the sought procedure
name. To be a match, though, we need it to have the
right number and type of arguments too, so we check that
pgProcP = (Form_pg_proc)GETSTRUCT(tuple);
bufferUsed = TRUE;
if (pgProcP->pronargs == nargs &&
oid8eq(&(pgProcP->proargtypes[0]), argTypes))
FoundMatch = true;
else ReleaseBuffer(buffer);
} else ScanComplete = true;
} else
} while (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple) ||
pgProcP->pronargs != nargs ||
!oid8eq(&(pgProcP->proargtypes[0]), argTypes));
if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) {
tuple = heap_copytuple(tuple);
if (FoundMatch) {
return_tuple = heap_copytuple(tuple);
} else return_tuple = (HeapTuple)NULL;
return tuple;
return return_tuple;
ProcedureSrcIndexScan(Relation heapRelation, text *procSrc)
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