Commit 02587dcd authored by Heikki Linnakangas's avatar Heikki Linnakangas

Use comma+space as the separator in the default search_path.

While the space is optional, it seems nicer to be consistent with what
you get if you do "SET search_path=...". SET always normalizes the
separator to be comma+space.

Christoph Martin
parent c4762886
......@@ -1746,7 +1746,7 @@ SHOW search_path;
"$user", public
The first element specifies that a schema with the same name as
the current user is to be searched. If no such schema exists,
......@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@ static struct config_string ConfigureNamesString[] =
"\"$user\", public",
check_search_path, assign_search_path, NULL
......@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
# - Statement Behavior -
#search_path = '"$user",public' # schema names
#search_path = '"$user", public' # schema names
#default_tablespace = '' # a tablespace name, '' uses the default
#temp_tablespaces = '' # a list of tablespace names, '' uses
# only default tablespace
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