Commit 01f6bb4b authored by Andrew Dunstan's avatar Andrew Dunstan

Make tap tests store postmaster logs and handle vpaths correctly

Given this it is possible that the buildfarm animals running these tests
will be able to capture adequate logging to allow diagnosis of failures.
parent 6f2871f1
......@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ cd $(srcdir) && TESTDIR='$(CURDIR)' PATH="$(bindir):$$PATH" PGPORT='6$(DEF_PGPOR
define prove_check
rm -rf $(srcdir)/tmp_check/log
rm -rf $(CURDIR)/tmp_check/log
cd $(srcdir) && TESTDIR='$(CURDIR)' $(with_temp_install) PGPORT='6$(DEF_PGPORT)' top_builddir='$(CURDIR)/$(top_builddir)' $(PROVE) $(PG_PROVE_FLAGS) $(PROVE_FLAGS) t/*.pl
......@@ -72,9 +72,6 @@ our $test_standby_datadir = "$testroot/data_standby";
mkdir $testroot;
# Log files are created here
mkdir "regress_log";
# Define non-conflicting ports for both nodes.
my $port_master = $ENV{PGPORT};
my $port_standby = $port_master + 1;
......@@ -202,6 +199,7 @@ local replication all trust
system_or_bail('pg_ctl' , '-w',
'-D' , $test_master_datadir,
'-l', "$log_path/master.log",
"-o", "-k $tempdir_short --listen-addresses='' -p $port_master",
......@@ -228,6 +226,7 @@ recovery_target_timeline='latest'
# Start standby
system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-w', '-D', $test_standby_datadir,
'-l', "$log_path/standby.log",
'-o', "-k $tempdir_short --listen-addresses='' -p $port_standby",
......@@ -323,6 +322,7 @@ recovery_target_timeline='latest'
# Restart the master to check that rewind went correctly
system_or_bail('pg_ctl', '-w', '-D', $test_master_datadir,
'-l', "$log_path/master.log",
'-o', "-k $tempdir_short --listen-addresses='' -p $port_master",
......@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
use Cwd;
......@@ -37,8 +40,10 @@ use Test::More;
# Open log file. For each test, the log file name uses the name of the
# file launching this module, without the .pl suffix.
my $log_path = 'tmp_check/log';
mkdir 'tmp_check';
our ($tmp_check, $log_path);
$tmp_check = $ENV{TESTDIR} ? "$ENV{TESTDIR}/tmp_check" : "tmp_check";
$log_path = "$tmp_check/log";
mkdir $tmp_check;
mkdir $log_path;
my $test_logfile = basename($0);
$test_logfile =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
......@@ -132,19 +137,19 @@ sub start_test_server
print("### Starting test server in $tempdir\n");
standard_initdb "$tempdir/pgdata";
$ret = system_log('pg_ctl', '-D', "$tempdir/pgdata", '-w', '-l',
"$tempdir/logfile", '-o',
"$log_path/postmaster.log", '-o',
"--fsync=off -k \"$tempdir_short\" --listen-addresses='' --log-statement=all",
if ($ret != 0)
print "# pg_ctl failed; logfile:\n";
system('cat', "$tempdir/logfile");
system('cat', "$log_path/postmaster.log");
BAIL_OUT("pg_ctl failed");
$ENV{PGHOST} = $tempdir_short;
$test_server_datadir = "$tempdir/pgdata";
$test_server_logfile = "$tempdir/logfile";
$test_server_logfile = "$log_path/postmaster.log";
sub restart_test_server
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